UC Davis Arboretum – November 28, 2015

Bolinas – Martin Griffin Preserve & Agate Beach – June 15, 2013

The Martin Griffin Preserve is a privately funded preserve along the Bolinas Lagoon where Egrets and Great Blue Herons nest.  I recommend at least a 500mm lens to get good shots of the birds nesting, but they were lovely to watch through scopes and binoculars.  My 300mm lens did not capture any clear shots, but it was a lovely hike and fun all the same.   There are nesting swallows there and I was able to get better shots of those.  The property has hiking trails that I will go back and explore another time.

Agate beach is along Duxbury Reef and has some nice tide pools.  There were not too many anemones, but we saw crabs, chitins, sculpins and a fabulous Great Blue Heron.